Essential Plant Growth Regulators in Tissue Culture

Plant tissue culture is a vital technique in modern horticulture and agricultural biotechnology. At the heart of this method lies the strategic use of plant growth regulators (PGRs), which play a pivotal role in influencing plant development and achieving desired outcomes. This article delves into the different types of PGRs used in tissue culture, their functions, and how to apply them effectively.

What Are Plant Growth Regulators in Plant Tissue Culture?

Plant growth regulators are chemical substances that significantly impact the growth and differentiation of plant tissues. In tissue culture, PGRs are essential for manipulating the in vitro environment to promote various developmental processes such as cell division, elongation, and differentiation.

Types of Plant Growth Regulators in Tissue Culture


Auxins are one of the primary classes of PGRs used in tissue culture. They are crucial for cell elongation, root initiation, and callus formation. The most commonly used auxins in tissue culture are Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), and Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA).

  • Role in Tissue Culture: Auxins are pivotal for root development and are often used in combination with cytokinins to balance shoot and root formation in culture media.

  • Application: For root induction, lower concentrations of auxins are typically used, while higher concentrations are necessary for callus induction.


Cytokinins promote cell division and shoot formation. They counteract the effects of auxins and are essential for shoot proliferation. Common cytokinins used in tissue culture include Kinetin, Benzylaminopurine (BAP), and Zeatin.

  • Role in Tissue Culture: Cytokinins are primarily used to stimulate shoot initiation and multiplication, making them essential for micropropagation.

  • Application: Optimal cytokinin concentration varies depending on the plant species and the desired outcome. For shoot multiplication, a higher cytokinin to auxin ratio is often used.

Scientist observing a cannabis plant grown from tissue culture


Gibberellins (GAs) are less commonly used than auxins and cytokinins but are crucial for certain developmental processes, such as breaking seed dormancy and stimulating stem elongation. Gibberellic acid (GA3) is the most frequently used gibberellin in tissue culture.

  • Role in Tissue Culture: GAs help in elongating cells and overcoming dormancy in seeds and buds.

  • Application: They are used in low concentrations to avoid excessive elongation and other unwanted growth patterns.

Abscisic Acid

Abscisic Acid (ABA) is mainly known for its role in stress responses and dormancy. In tissue culture, ABA is used to induce somatic embryogenesis and to enhance the stress tolerance of plantlets.

  • Role in Tissue Culture: ABA is involved in the maturation of somatic embryos and the regulation of water stress responses.

  • Application: Careful management of ABA levels is required, as excessive amounts can inhibit growth and development.


Ethylene is a gaseous hormone involved in various physiological processes, including fruit ripening and senescence. In tissue culture, it plays a role in shoot and root development and can influence callus formation.

  • Role in Tissue Culture: Ethylene’s effects can be both promotive and inhibitory, depending on the concentration and the stage of development.

  • Application: Ethylene inhibitors are sometimes used to control unwanted effects in tissue cultures.

Appropriate Use of PGRs in Tissue Culture

The successful application of PGRs in tissue culture requires a thorough understanding of their concentrations and combinations. The desired outcome, whether it’s root formation, shoot proliferation, or callus induction, dictates the specific type and amount of PGRs used.

Optimizing PGRs for Desired Outcomes

  1. Root Formation: Low concentrations of auxins, particularly IBA and NAA, are effective for inducing root formation. The auxin concentration must be carefully monitored to avoid callus formation instead of roots.

  2. Shoot Proliferation: A higher cytokinin to auxin ratio is beneficial for shoot proliferation. BAP is commonly used for this purpose due to its effectiveness in promoting shoot multiplication.

  3. Callus Induction: High concentrations of auxins, sometimes in combination with cytokinins, are used to induce callus formation. The balance between auxins and cytokinins is crucial for achieving the desired type of callus.


Understanding the roles and appropriate applications of plant growth regulators in tissue culture is essential for successful plant propagation and development. By mastering the use of auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, and ethylene, researchers and cultivators can optimize their tissue culture practices to achieve desired outcomes efficiently and effectively.

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