Dr Smith opens up the cannabis genetic cryo freezer
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Back-up & Storage

Recover your cultivars from their purest form, pathogen-free, with our cold storage solutions, ready for Gen-Zero plantlet regeneration in emergencies.

Prevention of Contamination

Plant diseases can cause severe losses in crop yield and quality. Some diseases, such as hop latent viroid (HLVd), can infect plants without showing symptoms until the late stages of growth. We offer pathogen detection through industry-standardized technologies and protocols to prevent contamination in the workflow pipeline. We provide services to ensure plant health and variety preservation through detection methods, sanitation, monitoring, and screening.

We can also plant pathogen testing in the agricultural and horticultural sectors. We have the capacity and expertise to perform fast and accurate PCR tests on various plant tissues.

Strain Revitalization

Strain Revitalization involves taking a sample of your cannabis plant and placing it in a tissue culture. This allows us to grow a new plant with the same genetic makeup as the original one but improved health and vigor. This process can help you preserve your favorite strains and enhance their quality and yield.

Regenerate & Preserve

Once we’ve knocked your genetics down into tissue culture we can begin growing daughter Generation Zero (gen-zero) plantlets. These daughter plantlets share the genetic makeup of their donor tissue, and offer the opportunity to preserve your valued IP. We will supply you with these plantlets on a regular schedule depending on your needs.