Future Trends Shaping Cannabis Farming

Green House and green vegetable. Young plants growing in a very large nursery

Industrial cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) is a crop that contains high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, and cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive compound with potential health benefits. Industrial cannabis is grown for various purposes such as medicinal products, recreational products, and industrial hemp products. Industrial cannabis was legalized for medical use in several States and countries in recent years and for recreational use in some States and countries as well. Since then, the industry has grown rapidly and faced several opportunities and challenges. Here are some of the key trends that are expected to shape the future of industrial cannabis farming in the next five years:

  • Increasing demand for cannabis products: The rising demand for cannabis products from consumers and patients is projected to drive market growth. Cannabis products are increasingly being used for various purposes such as pain relief, anxiety relief, epilepsy treatment, appetite stimulation, and recreation. The global cannabis market size was valued at USD 20.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 90.4 billion by 2026.

  • Improving genetics and breeding: The genetic improvement of cannabis varieties is crucial for enhancing the yield, quality, and resilience of cannabis crops. Various biotechnological tools such as tissue culture, genetic transformation, gene editing, and marker-assisted selection are being applied to medical cannabis and hemp for functional gene annotation, creating novel phenotypes, and validating gene function. The development of elite cannabis genotypes with improved traits such as higher THC or CBD content, pest resistance, drought tolerance, or flavor profile can help farmers adapt to changing environmental and market conditions.

  • Expanding processing and infrastructure: The processing and infrastructure of industrial cannabis are essential for converting raw cannabis materials into value-added products. However, the processing and infrastructure of industrial cannabis are still underdeveloped and fragmented in some States and countries due to the legal uncertainty and complexity of cannabis production. The expansion of processing and infrastructure facilities such as extraction labs, testing labs, packaging plants, and distribution networks can help create more jobs, reduce transportation costs, increase efficiency, and ensure quality control of cannabis products.

  • Regulating standards and policies: The regulation of industrial cannabis is still evolving and varies across different States and countries. The lack of clear and consistent standards and policies for cannabis production, testing, labeling, marketing, and trade can create confusion and uncertainty for farmers, processors, consumers, and regulators. The establishment of uniform and harmonized standards and policies for industrial cannabis can help ensure the safety, quality, and legality of cannabis products; facilitate interstate and international commerce; protect consumer rights; and promote industry growth.

  • Educating stakeholders and consumers: The education of stakeholders and consumers is vital for increasing the awareness, acceptance, and adoption of industrial cannabis. Many stakeholders and consumers still have misconceptions or lack of knowledge about the benefits, uses, and legality of industrial cannabis. The education of stakeholders such as farmers, processors, retailers, researchers, policymakers, and regulators can help them make informed decisions and overcome barriers to entry into the cannabis industry. The education of consumers can help them understand the difference between industrial cannabis and marijuana; appreciate the nutritional, medicinal, and environmental advantages of cannabis products; and increase their demand for cannabis products.

Industrial cannabis farming is a promising sector that can offer various economic, social, and environmental benefits for farmers and society. By following these trends and overcoming the challenges ahead, industrial cannabis farmers can seize the opportunities and thrive in the next five years.

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